RCT visits JCB!
Ravenshead U3A took a trip to the JCB premises
at Rocester near Uttoxeter in Ladies Caroline
and Elizabeth. Fab day out and thanks to volunteers Mike and Jackie Salmon and Mike Whiston.
Love this photo!
Towing a Vulcan!
One of our local groups from Annesley
hired Lady Catherine recently to visit
Newark Air Museum. A wonderful day
and thanks to Richard Baker, our
volunteer driver for some super photos.
Ravenshead Community Transport
Founded: 19th December 1996
Registered Charity No.: 1059851
Principal activity:
To provide community transport for the residents of Ravenshead and other local communities within a 10-mile radius.
All our policies are available to view on request
We've gone Global!
Ashfield U3A hired Lady Caroline to
travel to the Globe Theatre in London to see the
exceptional performance of Shakespeare's
Merchant of Venice. They are pictured outside
the Theatre afterwards. Our volunteer driver
Alan Browne said 'A wonderful day all round!'.
Huge thanks to Alan for giving up his time to
drive for them as well as sorting out the rather
daunting issue of parking! A fantastic day.