Photo Gallery.
A new yellow lady! She is in the process of going through her final conversion and should be with us early 2025. We must initially thank The National Lottery, Nottinghamshire County Council and the Thomas Farr Charity for their generous help with funding.
Our Volunteers' Social Evening 2023
We wouldn't be able to operate without our fabulous volunteers, whether that is driving our yellow buses or working behind the scenes running the charity. We were finally able to meet for our volunteer's social evening after a few years missing out due to Covid, so it was great to finally be able to get together and everyone enjoyed themselves! We decided to stay local and support the Village Hall in Ravenshead with Bradbury's providing a tasty spread for us. Andy and the Ridge Tiles, who are part of the Ravenshead Swing Band, performed a couple of sets for us with Iain setting up some atmospheric lighting and Robert and Steve running a smooth bar. It really was a fantastic night and nice to see a couple of our newest volunteers chatting with those who have been with us for almost 25 years and as it was a warm, summer's evening, most of us were able to walk! Here are a few photos to mark the occasion which were taken by our photography expert and volunteer Glynne.
For this worthwhile community charity to survive we always need new volunteers to not only drive our minibuses but help with the overall operation of it. If you are interested and have some time on your hands, please get in touch with Karen.
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01623 490888 or
Transport to Freedom
Photographed at Newstead Abbey, Ravenshead, Nottinghamshire
"Connecting local people with places"
Many people are finding they are able to get out and about to friends, social events, meetings and appointments by using the Village Bus. It has a lift to help wheel chair users and those for whom steps are difficult.